I'd like to take the time to discuss Britney Spears, in case you haven't noticed the title of this piece.
Britney Spears used to be a sweet household name. Sure you had some people scorn her name at times, but, all and all ,she was at least respected. Now, however, when you say her, people, even once loyal fans, will shake their heads and roll their eyes in disgust.
What happened to her? It's a question everyone is asking.
You see her on T.V., magazines, and tabloids as this psychotic bald women. smashing in windows and partying endlessly.
Her ex-husband Kevin Ferderline isn't much better than her. Whenever you see him in the news, he's either partying or trying to get some more from her money. Recently People magainze published an article about how Ferdeline is accusing Brittney of child abuse and is trying to get custody of the kids. Here's a preview of the article http://www.people.com/people/article/0,26334,1556996,00.html
But is it really legit? Recent reports say that Ferderline is running low on cash with his annual income of approximately $20,000 a month (giving to him by Britney mind you), compare to Britney's $737,868. Details like this tend to blur the "good father" facade that Ferderline is just now showing. Now that Britney is expected to cut him off, where else would he get his cash flow. They have been divoreced for a while now, so why is he just now concerned with his children. No one knows for sure what goes on behind close doors at Britney's house. We can only speculate. However, I do know that placing the kids in the hands of Ferderline will probably caused the kids to become new Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans.
I believe what happened to Britney is a shame. Growing up, I didn't really like her music, because I thought it was whiney and superficial. Now however, she can be thought of, very loosely, as the 'modern Michael Jackson.' Once, praised and respected by millions, and now the laughing stock of the nation.
Maybe she'll redeem herself at the MVA. Or not.
It's all pretty sad. I really believe that some people just can't handle the pressure of fame and they just break down.
Brit may not have really been talented but she was making the money and I think Lindsay was a pretty decent actress. I really try to feel sorry for the Britneys and Lindsays but it's hard because they both had careers going and they blew it.
(I'll probably be commenting on your blog a good bit, entertainment news is a favorite of mine)
Growing up in the spotlight Brittney didn't really get a chance to live. Could her current actions possibly be a result of this and if so is she to blame?
Yeah, I believe Britney didn't have a childhood growing up. She was in the Mickey Mouse club as a child. In a way, this kind of parallels to Michael Jacksons life. He didn't have a normal childhood either and look at him. I feel bad for child stars, because it's not them who wanted the spotlight, it's mainly their parents.
I don't know if you can claim her being a "child star" is the reason for all of this.
Look at Justin Timberlake. He was on the MMC with Britney, then he was in NSync, and now he's one of the top selling artists.
Or Christina Aguilera. She too was the MMC with Britney, and if you know anything about her childhood, you know that her home life wasn't the greatest. Her father beat her mother, they were always moving, they ended up divorcing, and jealous girls at her school would slash her mom's tires, etc. But she's about Britney's age now, married for almost two years, and a baby on the way.
I was never a Britney fan (I'm a Christina girl, if you couldn't tell!) but I still hope she gets better, at least for the children's sakes.
I think the Britney Spears situation is a sad story as well. I just can't believe how someone essentially doesn't grow up over the years, and continues to act more and more immature. It is a truly bad situation, and she certaintly needs help.
You make an interesting point Nicole. Her not havig a good childhood isn't an excuse for her current behavior. As you pointed out there are many stars who did grow up with the media and are find, however, it is a factor. Some kids just can't handle it. Maybe she's not strong enough, who knows. All I know that after watching the VMA awards, I feel really bad for her. I was a Christina fan too (high fives!).
Erika, I agree with you also, she does act like she didn't grow up, and it is a sad case.
I never really was a britney fan but I think she is letting a lot of her fans down and losing them as she continues to do stop stuff....and I was a huge Christina Aguilera fan....that girl has the vocals, what really matters!!
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