Oprah's Gardener: His Sexy Past!
In other news, Britney Spears finally lost her children. Based on her past behavior it's not big suprise. For more details about the custody battle click on the link and watch the video.
Do you think Britney deserved to lose custody of her children? Voice your opinion by taking the poll located on the right of the screen.

Maybe this will teach Britney the lesson she should have been learned.....As a parent, your children come first....she's such a bad role model for them right now!! N with Oprah.....WOW!!
That gardener reminds me of one of my favorite songs: "I Think Your Tractor's Sexy."
Wonder how Oprah found him?
Britney is beyond hope. And the fact that "Gimme More" is currently #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 is ridiculous.
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