I'm pretty sure all of you have at one point flipped to VH1 and briefly glanced, or maybe obsessively watched, "Scott Baio...45 and Single."
Well to all you fans out there you should be happy to know that all of Mr.Baio's counseling has worked out.
He finally married his long-time girlfriend Renee Sloan last Saturday.
I just thought this was interesting because I used to occasionally watch the show. The fact that he is getting married is mind boggling. I mean, there was serious no hope for this man, from the episodes I did catch. I hope this works out. Knowing VH1 with their Flavor of Love and New York sequels, I have my doubts.
Maybe Angelina is rubbing off on Brad. CNN reported Monday that Brad is expected to build 150 new environmentally safe homes in New Orleans.
He can't do it by himself, however, and is pleading for help from Americans. He already pledged $5 million of his own money. Last Wednesday he made an appearance on Larry King Live to discuss his charitable act.
Check out the video:
I'm glad some celebrities are actually using their money to help people instead of wasting space, like Lindsey Lohan and Britney Spears.
I'll like to take a moment to talk about the writers strike that's happening.
This is getting ridiculous. Why are they paying these writers so little attention? It's almost as though stations don't feel like airing them. The other day I read somewhere that the Jay Leno show fired its writers while the Conan O'Brian show is still paying theirs.
I think the stations are making enough money to pay these writers, and I wish they would stop being so stingy with their money and pay them. That way people like us will be able to watch their favorite shows without waiting another week for the station to "spread it out."
Hannah Montana, also known as Miley Cyrus, celebrated her 15th birthday Friday with more than 15,000 hometown friends. It still amazes me how much popularity this child has.
A couple of months back I read an article on how fathers dressed in womens clothing and stood in line for her tickets in response to a local radio station's contest. Her tickets sell out so quickly.
What is it about this child that causes people to go crazy over her? Her song is currently number two on Kiss 95.1. What do you guys think about that?
Donda West, mother of the famous hip-hop star Kanye West, died after a costmetic procedure this weekend in Los Angeles. For more information click on the above link.
Kanye really loved his mother, and according to CNN she was only 58. That's considered young nowadays. My heart goes out to Kayne.
Someone finally had to guts to sue rapper Diddy. The nationally known rap star is being sued by a former employee from prison who claims Diddy owes him more than $19 million for late rapper Notorious B. I. G.
Read the link to find out more.
Why is the guy waiting until now to sue?
I personally don't think Diddy should pay, as of right now. I don't know all the details yet. It just doesn't seem fair that someone who was in prison all of these years, come out and sue you. Then again, it's just $19 million. I'm sure Diddy can pay it :)
As all of you you, Halley Berry is three months pregnant. She was on the "Oprah Winfrey Show" Tuesday. Check out the article in the link. Apparently she had trouble getting pregnant and it took her and her boyfriend Gabriel Aubry about 35 test until they got it right.
She and Aubry doesn't want to know the sex of the baby.
Berry has had bad relationships in the past and I'm glad that she's finally happy and feels secure enough to have children. I hope the pregnacy goes well.
Oh a different note, I never really liked Halley Berry as an actress, I alway thought she was medicore. What are your thoughts on here pregnancy, and her past acting career?
I decided to change it up bit by first giving you a random but interesting fact about Oprah. Did you know that her gardner use to be in an exotic dancer in the group "Manpower"? For more information on this enticing group click the following link.
In other news, Britney Spears finally lost her children. Based on her past behavior it's not big suprise. For more details about the custody battle click on the link and watch the video.
Do you think Britney deserved to lose custody of her children? Voice your opinion by taking the poll located on the right of the screen.
For future reference, I promise this blog isn't all about Britney's Spears, and I know that there are others celebrities out there. Britney is just a hot topic right now and she's fun to write about, so I thought I'll get her out of the way.
The VMA's was a chance for Britney Spears to make a comeback. It was a chance for her to take all of the media's cruel ridicule and harassment and toss it back in their faces. Well, we all know the outcome of that event.
Britney didn't wow us. In fact she actually succeeded in humiliating herself more than anyone thought was possible.
My question? Why did they let her perform? I know she has a album she's trying to promote, but they knew that she wasn't mentally stable at the time.
Now I know it's not only the producers fault. Britney, while she may not act like it at times, is a grown woman. She makes her own decisions, but we all know they're not always wise. For instance, partying until 4 a.m. in the morning before the big event (not so smart Britney).
But even with that in mind, did no one keep tabs on her?
Even though Britney's performance at the VMA awards wasn't at all professional, I believe we should cut her some slack. I mean the girls a wreck. She's went through a pretty nasty divorce and is still debating custody rights of her children. She obviously isn't handling it well.
People fall apart sometimes, and it's pretty sad to watch. And to all the celebrities out there who dissed her and belittled her performance (as amusing as they were), just watch. In a couple of months that will be you.
Maybe I'm just being cynical. Who knows. I do know that not many people are standing up for her. In my last blog post I said that I didn't really like her at a child (actually I kind of despised her), but now I'm feeling a little empathy for the poor child.
And with that, I'll leave you all with an amusing (and slightly bizarre) video clip of a dedicated Britney Spears fan.
So what are your thoughts on Britney's performance and her life in general?
I'd like to take the time to discuss Britney Spears, in case you haven't noticed the title of this piece.
Britney Spears used to be a sweet household name. Sure you had some people scorn her name at times, but, all and all ,she was at least respected. Now, however, when you say her, people, even once loyal fans, will shake their heads and roll their eyes in disgust.
What happened to her? It's a question everyone is asking.
You see her on T.V., magazines, and tabloids as this psychotic bald women. smashing in windows and partying endlessly.
Her ex-husband Kevin Ferderline isn't much better than her. Whenever you see him in the news, he's either partying or trying to get some more from her money. Recently People magainze published an article about how Ferdeline is accusing Brittney of child abuse and is trying to get custody of the kids. Here's a preview of the article http://www.people.com/people/article/0,26334,1556996,00.html
But is it really legit? Recent reports say that Ferderline is running low on cash with his annual income of approximately $20,000 a month (giving to him by Britney mind you), compare to Britney's $737,868. Details like this tend to blur the "good father" facade that Ferderline is just now showing. Now that Britney is expected to cut him off, where else would he get his cash flow. They have been divoreced for a while now, so why is he just now concerned with his children. No one knows for sure what goes on behind close doors at Britney's house. We can only speculate. However, I do know that placing the kids in the hands of Ferderline will probably caused the kids to become new Paris Hiltons and Lindsey Lohans.
I believe what happened to Britney is a shame. Growing up, I didn't really like her music, because I thought it was whiney and superficial. Now however, she can be thought of, very loosely, as the 'modern Michael Jackson.' Once, praised and respected by millions, and now the laughing stock of the nation.
I'm a senior at Winthrop University double majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Digital Information Design. My goal is to become an online editor. I'm currently looking to gain experience in producing and managing content for websites. I am familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash. I'm proficient with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Imovie, Final Cut Pro and MS Office.